Contributing ============ Running the tests ----------------- To run all tests, type:: make test In order to run swift integration tests, create a swift tenant called ``AUTH_swft_test`` and provide environment variables for a user that has permissions to write to that tenant (``SWIFT_TEST_USERNAME`` and ``SWIFT_TEST_PASSWORD``). Also set the swift auth url environment variable (``OS_AUTH_URL``) In order to run S3 integration tests, create a ``stor-test-bucket`` S3 bucket and provide environment variables for an AWS user that has permissions to write to it (``AWS_TEST_ACCESS_KEY_ID`` and ``AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID``). Code Quality ------------ For code quality, please run flake8:: pip install flake8 flake8 . Code Styling ------------ Please follow `Google's python style`_ guide wherever possible. .. _Google's python style: Building the docs ----------------- When in the project directory:: make docs open docs/_build/html/index.html